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More inclusive resources available to manage health and wellness

At PCHI, we are focused on collaborating with communities and organizations dedicated to addressing health equity across all populations. We are excited to share that Johnson & Johnson recently launched an important new resource – My Health Can’t Wait - to empower patients and caregivers in communities of color to better manage their health effectively by providing them with greater access to vital information and opportunities.

Through this comprehensive online toolkit, Johnson and Johnson has assembled – all in one place – a series of resources, covering a wide range of topics including heart health, stroke, and pulmonary artery disease, cancer, eye health, obesity awareness, and mental health, among several other topics.

At PCHI, we are committed to ensuring that we provide others with essential tools and strategies to navigate the intricate healthcare landscape. Initiatives like Johnson & Johnson’s My Health Can’t Wait are contributing to the increased availability of these tools, making healthcare management for ourselves and our families more accessible and manageable."

For more information, including upcoming events, check out the My Health Can’t Wait website.

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