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Access to the PCHI Portal is allowed only for certified entities. Contact with any questions.


Developed exclusively for CHWs who are employed by a care coordination organization that is contracted with a certified or application-approved Pathways Community HUB (PCH) or Pathways Agency (PA). An 80-hour virtual class and 80-hour CHW Practicum (skill practice) are required for completion of the program.  [Exception - Ohio:  100 in-class hours/130 CHW Practicum hours are provided to meet Ohio CHW certification requirements.] ($3000 per person)


PCHI is offering 3 sessions of the Pathways Community HUB Institute® Model Care Coordination Training/Trainer Programs at no cost for up to 2 staff members per PCH/PA for the Training/Trainer Programs scheduled for December 2022, February 2023, and May 2023; After these dates, or for more than 2 staff members, the tuition is $400 per person for the training and an additional $250 per person to become a Trainer. Please schedule prior to implementation of the updated PCHI Model.

NOTE:  If you completed PCHI Model Training and Teach-Back in September 2022, you do not need to retake the Program. Make sure you involve Mary Martell or Anne Seifert in your next training to complete the requirements and receive your PCHI Model Trainer-2023 Certificate.

December: Tuesday - Friday, December 13 - 16, 2022

February: Monday - Thursday, February 6 – 9, 2023

May: Monday – Thursday, May 8 - 11, 2023

MAY 17 - JUNE 30

Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors

Wednesday, May 17

Thursday - Friday, May 18-19
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, May 22-26
Tuesday - Friday, May 30 - June 2

Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, June 5-9
Monday - Friday, June 12-16
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting

Tuesday - Friday, June 20-23
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, June 26-30


Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors

Wednesday, July 19

Thursday - Friday, July 20-21
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, July 24-28
Monday - Friday, July 31- August 4

Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, August 7-11
Monday - Friday, August 14-18
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting

Monday - Friday, August 21-25
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, August 28 - September 1

SEPTEMBER 13 – OCTOBER 27, 2023 

Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors

Wednesday, September 13

Thursday - Friday, September 14-15
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, September 18-22
Monday - Friday, September 25-29

Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, October 2-6
Tuesday - Friday, October 9-13
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting

Monday - Friday, October 16-20
Work days (Practicum) hours

CHW Virtual Class

Monday - Friday, October 23-27


If your PCH/PA would like to have its own PCHI Certified CHW Instructor(s) from within its organization, a new program starts January 4.  Instructor seminars include the PCHI standardized curriculum and teaching materials. Academic degree and experience working with CHWs is required. ($4000 per person)

A new program begins January 4, 2023 and involves:

  • Observation of the January– February virtual CHW class sessions:
    W, Jan. 4, 1-4 PM (ET) – CHW Course Orientation
    M-F, Jan. 9-13, CHW Virtual Class
    M-F, Feb. 13-17, CHW Virtual Class

  • Instructor Program Orientation:  January 5

  • Seminars:  Jan. 17, 31, Feb. 21

  • Teach Backs:  Scheduled individually

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