Access to the PCHI Portal is allowed only for certified entities. Contact with any questions.
The PCHI CHW Training Program is not a cookie-cutter CHW program. Our niche is CHW training specifically designed to implement the PCHI Model. Students must be affiliated with a Pathways Community HUB or Pathways Agency in the PCHI Model Certification process. Competencies parallel community health worker/care coordinator standards required as part of achieving and maintaining PCHI Model Certification and align with The Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project . The standard competency areas include:
PCHI Model (14 hours) - 21 Pathways, Demographic, Visit and Progress Forms, and research-based Learning Modules
CHW Profession, History & Roles (1 hour)
Communication Skills (4 hours)
Interpersonal and Relationship Building Skills (10 hours)
Outreach, Service Coordination, and Navigation Skills (4 hours)
Building Individual and Community Capacity (10 hours)
Individual and Community Assessment; Evaluation and Research Skills (3 hours)
Professional Skills and Conduct (8 hours)
Knowledge Base in Health and Social Service (26 hours)
Journeys through the LifeSpan (20 hours)
Community Health Worker Training
Our experienced instructional team teaches essential care coordination skills within the context of the Pathways Community HUB Institute Model, using the updated 21 Pathways and newest Demographic, Visit and Progress forms. PCHI uses true-to-life case studies and exclusive disease education, both in video format, that challenges trainees to develop problem-solving skills related to care coordination. Students also complete a 130-hour practicum that can be completed on-the-job working for care coordination agency affiliated with a Pathways Community HUB. PCHI CHW graduates are more than ready to engage their participants and efficiently coordinate their health and social care using the PCHI Model.
The live, virtual, or hybrid program involves two components that typically occurs simultaneously:
Foundational Skills and Roles for the Community Health Worker (100 hours) addresses CHW core competencies in health, community resources, care coordination, health education, lifespan development, and basic CHW skills.
CHW Practicum (community-based practical experience) includes 130 hours of care coordination experience under the guidance of a PCHI instructor and direct program supervisor at an agency.
July/August 2025:
Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors -
Wednesday, July 9, 12:30-4:30pm ET
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Thursday - Friday, July 10-11
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, July 14-18
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting -
Monday - Friday, July 21-25
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, July 28- August 1
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, August 25-29
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, August 4-8
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting -
Monday - Friday, August 11-15
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, August 18-22
September/October 2025:
Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors -
Wednesday, September 17, 12:30-4:30pm ET
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Thursday - Friday, September 18-19
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, September 22-26
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting -
Monday - Friday, September 29-October 3
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, October 6-10
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, November 3-7
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, October 13-17
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting -
Monday - Friday, October 20-24
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, October 27-31
April/May 2025:
Orientation for CHWs and Supervisors -
Wednesday, April 2, 12:30-4:30pm ET
CHW Virtual Class -
Thursday - Friday, April 3-4
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Wednesday, April 7-9
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 1st instructor meeting -
Thursday-Friday, April 10-11
Monday - Friday, April 14-18
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, April 21-25
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, May 19-23
CHW Virtual Class -
Monday - Friday, April 28-May 2
Work days (Practicum) hours; schedule 2nd instructor meeting -
Monday - Friday, May 5-9
Work days (Practicum) hours -
Monday - Friday, May 12-16